
“Agusan Del Sur” Trends on Twitter After Monster Croc’s Capture

A 21-foot saltwater crocodile is responsible for getting Agusan del Sur on Twitter’s trending topics.  The province has been mentioned on the micro-blogging site too many times for the past day because of the monster croc.

The 600-kilo crocodile was spotted in Barangay Nueva Era in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.  It weighs 600 kilos and is the largest crocodile caught in the country to date, according to the Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center.

If you’re wondering how they caught the croc, the local government, together with the Protected Areas and Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, set up traps to catch the crocodile.  This was done after residents reported incidents of crocodile attacks.

Some people on Twitter have been making jokes about those sitting in Congress.  Congressmen, the greedy ones at least, are referred to locally as buwaya (crocodile).  Adele Tamano, himself a former Senatorial candidate, tweeted this: is one of the most active tech sites in the Philippines. We enjoy sharing interesting and relevant stories about the latest trends in technology, developments in mobile phones and social media, and modern digital and geek culture.


  1. How does that croc fare in the giant crocs of the world? It was reported on TV to be the biggest in the world, is it true?

    • technobaboy Reply

      biggest to be caught in the philippines. not biggest in the world.

  2. Thanks for sharing.That was really a monstrous crocks, interesting…:)

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