Surprise. It’s not only personal Facebook profiles that will be getting Timeline. Turns out, Facebook Pages are going to get the same treatment. When I opened my Facebook Page for this blog a while ago, I got a notice that the page will get a new look by March 30. It actually has an available preview of how the Timeline version will look like. I honestly didn’t know if Pages will also get timeline. I was wondering about this but was just too preoccupied with other stuff I didn’t bother checking out. So now I got the answer.
Pages will get also get Timeline features and they look just like the Timeline in personal profiles. Facebook Pages will also get a cover photo, an option to highlight or remove posts, apps, updates, and also an option to resize items. There’s also a separate profile photo just like how it is in personal profiles. Pages will also get a timeline bar on the right for quick access to old posts. I tried the preview option just to see how it will look like. Here’s a screenshot.
It’s the same as individual profiles like I already mentioned. The big difference, however, is the presence of an Admin Panel where the moderator sees the notifications. There’s a new feature on the Timeline version of Facebook pages though that’s not on the current version – Messages. That’s right, the new Pages will have a messaging feature which will now allow fans or followers to send private messages to the Page’s administrator. That means you can send me private messages through Facebook once I have the Timeline feature activated. The messages go to that space on the right side of this screenshot.
One thing I’m still not sure about is what will happen to the customized landing pages on the Timeline version.
FB fan page looks good in the new timeline update.
Is it just me or do they keep moving the “mandatory” schedule further away? Oh well, at least I got mine last December.