Apple has recently announced the iPad Air 2. Christened the world’s thinnest tablet, the iPad Air 2 is only 6.1mm thick. It is powered by Apple’s custom made-for-iPad A8X chipset and PowerVR G6430 GPU. The screen has the same resolution as its predecessor, but features a new anti-reflective coating, reducing reflections by up to 56%.
Other notable features include the TouchID fingerprint sensor, a F/2.4 8MP camera, and a second mic for stereo recording.
The iPad Air 2 is available in Space Gray, Gold and Silver. For the WiFi version, the 32GB model will retail for $499 (roughly P23,500), the 64GB at $599 (roughly P27,000) and the 128GB for $699 (roughly P31,500). The LTE versions will cost an additional $130.
iPad Air 2 specs:
- 9.7 inch LED IPS display with scrath resistant glass and oleophobic coating (2048 x 1536)
- 1.3GHz dual-core Apple A8X Cyclone CPU
- PowerVR G6430 GPU
- 16/64/128GB of storage
- 5MP rear camera
- 1.2MP front camera
- With LTE or WiFi only models
- Bluetooth, GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS
- iOS 8.1
- 8,600mAh non-removable battery
Apple is not yet done with their “Thinniest” technology… :3
But will it bend?