Contest alert! You could win a 3 days / 2 nights trip to Tokyo, Japan with GRAMAS and Beyond the Box!
GRAMAS and Beyond the Box
If you’re itching to visit Japan (and if you’re looking for a new iPhone case), then check this out. Whenever you buy any GRAMAS iPhone case from Beyond the Box, you will get the chance to win a 3 day / 2 night trip to Tokyo Japan. Each purchase entitles the buyer to one (1) raffle entry. The trip is inclusive of round trip airfare ticket and accommodations. The promo will run until March 31, 2017.
The GRAMAS (Generous Raw Material Stuffs) brand was established in 2009 by Yuichi Sakamoto. The iPhone cases are made from genuine and refined raw materials, making it more stylish and durable. Styles include the Rib Cage, made from a double structure of polycarbonate and silicone materials, the jewel-like Gem cases and the synthetic leather-clad Euro Passione cases.
For more details about the promo, please click here.
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