Twitter is home to an incredible array of women voices to find, share and pass on that inspiration to others. Unique, influential, big and small; from leaders in business to entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters, partners and friends.
Twitter is the place they come to converse in an authentic way and this #InternationalWomensDay, Twitter is highlighting those voices with a Southeast Asia-wide campaign, #SheInspiresMe.
To celebrate #InternationalWomensDay, Twitter is kicking off #SheInspiresMe by partnering with more than 40 creators across Southeast Asia (Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) to create a personal #SheInspiresMe video Tweet in which they share about the women that inspire them, and why.
They will also tag 3 other people to encourage them to join the campaign. This series of videos will be Tweeted from March 8 to 19 to pass on inspirations to others on Twitter.

In the Philippines, Twitter is engaging with diverse communities led by Alexa Asahina (@alexaasahina), Andrea Torres (@andreaetorres), Antoinette Jadaone (@tonetjadaone), Catriona Gray (@catrionaelisa), Dr. Gia Sison (@giasison), Inka Magnaye (@inkamagnaye), Jayda Avanzado (@jaydaavanzado), Joyce Pring (@joycepring), Kat Galang (@imkatgalang), KC Concepcion (@itskcconcepcion), Kyla Alvarez (@kylaessentials), KZ Tandingan (@KZofficial), Moira Dela Torre (@moirarachelle4), Ria Atayde (@RiaAtayde), Sen. Risa Hontiveros (@risahontiveros), Sofia Pablo (@realsofiapablo), Spark! Philippines (@SPARKphils), Mitzi Jonelle Tan (@mitzijonelle) of YACA Philippines (@YACAPhilippines), and Zephanie Dimaranan (@imzephanie) who will each share a video Tweet about the women that inspire them.
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Twitter has also launched a special emoji to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay. Available throughout the month of March, the emoji is actuated when people Tweet with the following hashtags: #PandaigdigangArawNgKababaihan, #ArawngKababaihan, #BabaeKami, #Henerasyongpantaypantay, #InternationalWomensDay, #WomensDay, #WeAreWomen, #ActForEqual, #IWD2021, #IWD, #GenerationEquality,.
Everyone is invited to join Twitter’s #SheInspiresMe campaign by following these two steps:
- Create a video Tweet of up to 2:20 mins in length to share a positive story about the women who inspire you, and Tweet it out with the hashtag #SheInspiresMe.
- Tag 3 others to join in the campaign.
Don’t forget to tag Twitter Philippines (@TwitterPH) and let’s celebrate the inspiring women voices on Twitter together on this #InternationalWomensDay.