Archos recently unveiled a new line of Android tablets with keyboard dock accessory that aim to compete with the Asus Transformer Prime. Known as the Archos G10 XS, the new line will showcase an ultra-thin form factor, with the tablet coming in at only 7.6mm thin, and only 11mm thin when combined with the keyboard dock. It will be available in 7-inch, 8-inch and 10 inch flavors.
The exact specs of the tablet-dock combo are still unknown and so far what’s only certain is that Archos will use a super thin steel to support the ultra thin frame. The G10 XS is rumored to pack a Texas Instruments OMAP processor, possibly an 1.8 GHz OMAP4470 CPU.
The pricing for the Archos G10 XS looks promising, with retail prices of $168 for the 7-inch version, $194 for the 8 inch version and $259 for the 10 inch version already being thrown around. The Archos G10 XS will be available this year but as to when exactly, it’s still anybody’s guess at this point.
If you have been disappointed with Archos tablets in the past because of their lack of access to the Android Market, you’ll be happy to know that this time around, Archos has declared that G10 XS will have access to all apps in the Android Market which, by the way, is now called Google Play.
Here is a video teaser featuring the Archos G10 XS.
Pag dating dito ang mahal na!
mejo mejo :)