LG Electronics recently launched the G Watch R in the country. The company was very eager to show us their newest smartwatch in an event held at the Nest in BGC.
The LG G Watch R
Running Android Wear, the LG G Watch R looks and feels just like a regular round stylish watch. It has a classic design encased in durable stainless steel and aluminum, and it boasts a fully circular 1.3 inch Plastic OLED (P-OLED) display for great colors reproduction and better viewing angles.
The G Watch R comes with an efficient 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with 512MB of RAM and 4GB of storage. And like most watches nowadays, it also has dust and water resistance of up to 30 minutes at a depth of one meter. Powering the smartwatch is a 410mAh battery, the largest in an Android Wearable to date.
Other features of the LG G Watch R, when paired with a smartphone, include information on weather forecast, real-time traffic conditions, turn-by turn navigations, stock market updates, social media notifications, and travel and restaurant updates. The device also allows the user to track fitness goals and use the Ok Google feature to send text messages, emails, or play songs through the Android Wear music.
The LG G Watch R will have an SRP of P13,990. Hopefully, it will become available before the year ends.