Along with two 64-bit smartphones, Taiwanese tech giant Lenovo unveiled its smartwatch contender, the Vibe Band VB10. The wearable accessory uses an E-ink display to show instant notifications from calls, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, etc. And because it uses E-ink, the company is claiming the battery can last up to seven days, even with the display and Bluetooth always turned on. Other features include waterproofing, and fitness functions that monitor the users’ fitness levels and activity.
The Lenovo Vibe Band VB10 will work with any Android or iOS mobile device.The wearable will be priced at $89. It will be available beginning in April, 2015.
This looks promising, especially at that price point. The design looks appealing, and it doesn’t look big or bulky. It will probably cost upwards of Php4,000 IF it hits locally. What do you guys think of the Vibe Band VB10? Yea or nay?