The LG G4 was curiously absent in this month’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The company may be gearing up for a big launch of its latest flagship as news of its rival, the Galaxy S6, dwindles down. Unfortunately for LG, it looks like someone just outed their big gun against its rivals as images of the alleged LG G4 was leaked before the company’s announcement.
French gadget site Nowhereelse leaked images and specs details of the soon-to-be announced LG G4. According to the site, the G4 will sport a 2k display, measuring between 5.3 and 5.7 inches diagonally. It might have an octa-core Snapdragon 810 processor, 3GB of RAM and either a 16mp or 20.7mp main camera.
Looking at the images, you’ll notice that the device sports a slight curve, with features similar to its multi-awarded predecessor, the G3. It appears the back has a texture similar to brushed metal, and the same back controls. At this point though, information about the G4 is still scarce. LG has yet to release any official details about it.
What do you guys think of the G4? With what we know so far, do you think it can compete against the Galaxy S6?