Smart posted faster mobile data speeds in both 3G and LTE across the Philippines, according to the latest study by J.P. Morgan.
Smart 3G and LTE mobile speeds fastest across the PH
According to J.P. Morgan’s Asia Network Quality study, Smart LTE is leading the local speed race when it comes to mobile data with average download speeds of 11.64 mbps. Smart also led in key areas such as Metro Manila with average download speeds 12.53 mbps, Visayas with 11.96 mbps, and South Luzon with 9.44 mbps.
In terms of 3G speeds, Smart also has the lead nationwide with average download speeds of 2.29 mbps. Across areas, those are average download speeds of 3.41 mbps in Metro Manila, 1.74 mbps in the Visayas, and 1.82 mbps in South Luzon.
“There is still a lot of work to be done, but these test results show that our network improvement program is making progress. They are a testament to Smart’s commitment to continuously contribute to improving overall speeds in the country,” said Mario G. Tamayo, PLDT and Smart Senior Vice President for Network Planning and Engineering.
Despite the lead, Smart isn’t done with improving its LTE sites and services. Projects to re-equip cell sites with the 700 MHz and 850 MHz low frequency bands for improved indoor coverage are still ongoing. As well as the deployment of additional high frequency bands 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz to increase cell site capacities to handle more calls, texts, and mobile data traffic.
Both PLDT and Smart have committed to make LTE available to 95 percent of the country’s cities and municipalities by the end of 2018.
The J.P. Morgan Asia Network Quality study uses crowd-sourced data gathered by wireless coverage research firm OpenSignal.
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