AOC is launching AGON by AOC as the latest step of its global brand strategy to benefit gamers with an enhanced portfolio and more monitor choices.
This global brand enhancement encapsulates an inclusive range of gaming ecosystems that welcomes players at all levels of ability, as they hone their skills and aspire to be their very best.

This latest development in AOC’s brand strategy is a natural evolution, based on the recognition by analyst house IDC that AOC is now the world’s leading provider of gaming monitors by market share. In 2020, IDC announced that distinguished result for a second consecutive year.
“AGON”, it should be noted, is the ancient Greek word for intense competition and so defines a brand of gaming monitors designed to face all challenges in the pursuit of victory.
Adventure is waiting
As AOC builds its gaming eco-systems with this launch, the hierarchy is now clear to see, with AGON, AGON PRO, and AOC Gaming sub-brands sitting under the AGON by AOC brand, and each differentiated by its unique blend of features, designs, and target users.
No longer targeted simply at an exclusive audience of esports aficionados and professionals, AGON by AOC equally reaches out to the more ambitious gaming enthusiasts, as well as the more casual, hobbyist type of gamer, and offers real value in monitors and accessories at any skill level
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The AGON by AOC gaming lines appeals to audiences with a competitive spirit just waiting to be unleashed within the freedom to compete and grow on an individual basis. Even newcomers can now enter the learning circle of competitive gaming as a vital part of the AGON community, a growing universe of aspiration embodied by the AGON League.
Saluted by both the gaming community as a whole, as well as by hardware reviewers, AGON by AOC monitors continue to stand out for their superb ergonomics, winning features, and use of high-quality materials. Nevertheless, as part of AOC’s strategy for constant improvement and growth, the AGON by AOC brand is poised for further evolution.