Netflix released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming anime series based on the popular video game franchise Devil May Cry. The series is executive produced by Adi Shankar, who also worked on the acclaimed Castlevania anime for Netflix, and animated by Studio MIR, known for The Legend of Korra, My Adventures with Superman, and The Boondocks.
The trailer, which was revealed during Netflix’s Drop 01 animation showcase on Wednesday, shows the protagonist Dante, a half-human, half-demon devil hunter, wielding his signature dual pistols Ebony and Ivory against a horde of demonic enemies. The trailer also features a glimpse of Dante’s brother Vergil, who serves as his rival and antagonist in the games.
The series is inspired by Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening, a prequel game that explores the origins of Dante and Vergil’s conflict and their involvement in a plot to unleash a demonic tower called Temen-ni-gru. The game is widely regarded as one of the best entries in the franchise, praised for its fast-paced and stylish combat, engaging story, and memorable characters.
Devil May Cry is not the first time that the video game series has been adapted into an anime. In 2007, Madhouse produced a 12-episode anime series that followed Dante’s adventures as a devil hunter for hire. The series was set between the events of the first and second games and featured original characters and stories.
Netflix has not announced a release date for the new Devil May Cry anime series, but it is expected to premiere sometime in 2024.