Popular leakster @evleaks has leaked an image of the LG G3. Looking at the image, you will see that LG retained the buttons at the back, the small bezels, and the soft keys. The image looks like its in a back case.
Meanwhile, GSM Arena also showed an image of the smartphone, as well as it’s alleged specs. According to the site, the LG G3 will come with a 5.5 inch QHD display (2560×1440, 534ppi [wow!]), either 16GB storage and 2GB of RAM, or a 32GB storage and 3GB of RAM (both with microSD support), a 13MP sensor with OIS+ image stabilization, and a 3,000mAh battery. No other details are available at the moment.
This is certainly looking to be a nice follow up to LG’s award winning smartphone.