Honor Philippines also launched a pair of truly wireless earphones, the FlyPods Lite, alongside the Honor 9X and Honor 20 Lite. It has a PHP 2,990 price tag and comes feature packed.
The Honor FlyPods Lite comes with a double-tap control operation to answer and end calls, and to activate voice assistant.
Also Read: Honor 20 Lite with triple rear cams, 128GB storage launches in the PH
It has an IR sensor to detect when you take them out, dual mics on each FlyPod for better environmental noise cancellation, and seamless switch function that allows you to make phone calls on one ear and hear your surroundings on the other.
The FlyPods lite also has a 3 hour playtime on a single charge, and up to charge 12 hour with the charging case. It has an IP54 rated water and sweat resistant, and an ergonomic in-ear design for better fit and comfort.