
How to Link Your Website to Your Disqus Comments Profile


Disqus is one of the most popular commenting system around and is the one being used on this website.  It is also being used by some of the biggest blogs on the web, and its popularity could be attributed to the way the system makes it possible to use and manage one account for commenting on different websites, and on the many ways one can log in to Disqus.  Apart from using your Disqus account in making comments to posts, you can use Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, Google, Yahoo! and even a guest account depending on the restrictions used by a particular website.

If you have a website or a blog, Disqus can be used to increase your traffic.  If you make comments on other websites using Disqus, why don’t you make use of your commenting to attract readers and visitors to your site?  You can link your website or blog to your Disqus comments on other websites.  That way, whenever you post a comment, people that click on your profile will be brought to your site.

I’m not talking about putting links to your comments but by simply linking your Disqus profile to your website.  When you create your Disqus account, the default profile does not require you to link to your website.  You can use Disqus immediately after creating the account so you if you are new to Disqus, you wouldn’t know that you can link your website to your profile.

Linking your website to your Discus profile is easy.  This can be done by simply editing your Disqus profile and adding the website URL.  Assuming you already registered for a Disqus account, follow these steps.

1.  Drag your cursor to your profile which is the link at the top right of the Disqus dashboard

2.  Click on the Edit Profile link.

3.  Select Profile from the tabs on the left.

4.  Enter your name on the Full Name field.  This is the name that will appear on your comments and where your website or blog URL will be linked to. In this example, I simply chose technobaboy.

5.  Enter your website or blog link on the Website field.  You may enter your location and short bio but these are not required.

6.  Hit Save.

That’s it.  Every time you post a comment on other websites, your Disqus name will now link to your website. is one of the most active tech sites in the Philippines. We enjoy sharing interesting and relevant stories about the latest trends in technology, developments in mobile phones and social media, and modern digital and geek culture.


  1. Working well.Now my website has Disqus :) But sometimes Disqus is blocking comments as spam

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