Samsung also announced the Galaxy Note Edge, a unique variant of the recently announced Note 4. With most specs similar to the Note 4’s, this phablet got its “Edge” name because of the way the screen tapers off and folds over the side, looking like a thin strip of screen. The edge is used to display notifications while, say, watching a video on full screen. It also has swipe functions like making the time appear while the whole screen is off.
So, the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge. Specs beefed up, but I wonder if this is going to be a hit or a niche product. I’m thinking niche.
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Specs:
- 5.6 inch QHD Super AMOLED display, Gorilla Glass 3 protection (2560 x 1440 + 160)
- 2.7GHz quad core processor
- 3GB of RAM
- 32GB of storage (+microSD up to 64GB)
- 16MP main camera with autofocus and Smart OIS
- 3.7 MP front camera with f1.9 aperture
- 3G, LTE
- WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, A-GPS
- TouchWiz UI based on Android 4.4.4 KitKat
- 3000mAh battery
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