Some hackers recently discovered a hidden panoramic mode feature in iOS 5’s camera. Now someone discovered another hidden feature in iOS 5. Someone by the name Sonny Dickson discovered an autocorrection feature in the iOS 5 keyboard. The autocorrection list sits atop the keyboard just like how Android does it. The “Search/Go” button is replaced by a “Confirm” button when autocorrection lists are enabled. It reportedly works on iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPad 2.
So how is it enabled? It’s much similar to how the hidden panoramic mode on the iOS 5 camera is enabled. This does not require a jailbreak. Again, do this only if you know what you’re doing. Here are the steps:
1. Download iBackupBot for Mac or Windows.
2. Backup your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch in iTunes.
3. Run iBackupBot and load the backup you just made through iTunes.
4. Locate Library/Preferences/ in the backup and add the following code to it. Placement doesn’t matter but don’t break a <tag></tag>:
5. Save the changes and restore to the modified backup from within iBackupBot.