Google has recently announced the official name of Android 5.0 as Lollipop. The name wasn’t really that much of a surprise as lollipop was one of the popular guesses when the update was first announced.
Known initially as Android L, the latest iteration of Android features the much publicized Material Design. Their new design approach aims to make Android “more human” and approachable through clean, card-based layouts, bright, simple, color schemes, and the playful, physics-based animations.
Other Android Lollipop noteable features include:
- Switch to ART runtime, instead of Dalvik
- Redesigned and improved notifications
- Better power management
- Improved security features
- Improved animations
- Multiple user accounts and guest mode
The first devices to get Android 5.0 Lollipop will be the recently announced Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 10 and the Google Play Edition devices. Motorola also announced that the Moto G (yes!) 1st and 2nd gen, the Moto X 1st and 2nd gen, Moto G LTE, Moto E, Droid Ultra, Droid Maxx, and the Droid Mini will also get the update to Lollipop.
Available for 4.4?
The availability of the update will depend on the manufacturer of the phone.