Kaboosu, the Shiba Inu whose bewildered expression launched the “Doge” meme phenomenon, has died. Her owner, Atsuko Sato, announced the news on her blog Friday, stating Kabosu passed away peacefully.
The 2010 photo of Kabosu with her head tilted and her eyebrows raised, became a viral sensation in 2013. The meme, featuring broken English captions in Comic Sans font, brought internet humor to new heights. However, Kabosu’s impact transcended online amusement.
The meme-inspired the creation of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency initially intended as a joke. Ironically, Dogecoin, championed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, has grown into a legitimate force in the digital currency market, boasting a current market capitalization of $23 billion.
Kaboosu’s influence extended further with the 2021 sale of a Doge meme NFT (non-fungible token) for a staggering $4 million.
A testament to Kabosu’s enduring popularity, Sato will hold a farewell party for her beloved pup, Kabo-chan, this Sunday, May 26, at the Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, Japan.
Via: ABS-CBN News