Here’s some good news. Meralco recently announced that power rates have decreased by PHP 0.19 per kilo watt hour (kWh) this month. That equates to about PHP 39 in total savings for a typical household that consumes around 200 kWh per month.
This is the second straight month that electricity rates have decreased which represents a total downward adjustment of around PHP 0.47 per kWh since May 2019.
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According to Meralco, the over-all rate decrease is attributed to lower charges from the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market or WESM despite continued tight supply conditions.
Now I am aware that the total savings per month is not that big, but it does add up for those who consume more than 200 kWh during the course of the year. Still, it pains me to say that the Philippines has one of the highest average electricity price in Asia.
Personally, the decrease in electricity rates is more than welcome news considering the increase in usage we have in our household, since we have increased our use of the air conditioner to cope with the heat.
All that’s left now is for Maynilad and Manila Water to get their ish together and do something about the current water supply conditions.
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