
LinkedIn offers free online courses on generative AI

Generative AI can create content, including essays, poems, images, and audio as well as writing code.
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According to LinkedIn’s latest data, the fastest-growing AI-related skills among professionals in 2022 are in the field of generative AI.

Generative AI, if you’re unfamiliar, is a form of AI that has a wide range of applications, including creating text, essays, poems, images, and audio as well as writing code.

With a national artificial intelligence (AI) roadmap in the Philippines in place, and more recently, a new Bill seeking the creation of an AI development authority, the country is poised to accelerate the adoption of AI technology.

To help professionals and companies acquire the skills they need in the new world of work, LinkedIn will release 100 LinkedIn Learning courses on generative AI in various languages for free over the next three months beginning March 16, 2023. The complete list of courses, which you can find here, covers:

See also: These are the 2023 most in-demand skills in the Philippines, according to LinkedIn

You can learn more about what LinkedIn has been doing in the field of AI here and here.

Image: LinkedIn Sales Solutions (Unsplash) is one of the most active tech sites in the Philippines. We enjoy sharing interesting and relevant stories about the latest trends in technology, developments in mobile phones and social media, and modern digital and geek culture.

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